Our Mission

Mega Camp is the execution of a dream to bring youth softball opportunities to Alaska that wouldn’t otherwise be available. More specifically, Mega Camp is a 2-day, youth softball skills camp coached and run by former Division I Stanford University softball players. With Alaska lacking any collegiate softball programs of its own, local players are void of the value that comes from training and interacting with such high-level athletes. By hosting Mega Camp in Alaska, we eliminate the need for the expensive out-of-state travel typically required to receive this unique level of mentorship and coaching. Mega Camp aims to spark excitement and confidence in players of all skill and interest levels while also providing guidance and motivation for those with dreams of playing collegiate softball themselves.

Our Roots

The Mega Camp dream was initiated by local coach and Eagle River native Lauren Frost. Lauren grew up playing baseball in Eagle River and was later recruited to play softball for Stanford University, where she played for four years and graduated in 2019. Upon returning home post-graduation, her involvement with youth softball in the area became a passion and true joy of hers. Through recognizing the privilege she had to play softball at a high level and the impact her knowledge and experience could make on Alaska softball, Lauren knew she wanted to take things a step further by providing Alaskans access to something even more valuable: the combined knowledge and experience of her former Stanford teammates. By bringing these exceptional athletes to Alaska, Mega Camp aims to provide coaching, mentorship, and inspiration to the next generation of Alaska softball players in an event unlike anything Alaska has experienced before.




What you can expect from


Is Mega Camp affiliated with Stanford University or Stanford Softball?

No. This event is independent of Stanford University and Stanford Softball. Our brand does not represent the thoughts or ideals of either of the aforementioned parties.

Is this is a recruiting event?

No, this is not a recruiting event. This event is being facilitated with the sole purpose of promoting youth softball development in Alaska and to provide resources to which local players would not otherwise have access to without travel out of state. No current college coaches or players with remaining college eligibility will be present. The former Stanford softball players acting as coaches for this event will not be permitted to influence players of recruiting age in regards to prospective schools, nor be in communication with any college coaches about players they interacted with at Mega Camp 2024.

My daughter has never played softball before. Can she attend?

We encourage anyone within the eligible graduation years with an interest in playing softball to attend Mega Camp 2024!

Can my son who plays baseball attend?

While he is welcome to attend, please keep in mind that this event is specifically tailored to the coaching and development of youth softball players.